Behavioral Consultations


Is your pet having accidents in the house? Do they chew up the furniture in your absence? These behaviors can be very frustrating to deal with, especially if your pet is fully grown and well beyond puppy training. Being pet owners ourselves, we understand the challenge of managing difficult or even destructive behaviors. Therefore, we provide pet behavioral counseling here in Ocala to help our clients and patients live together peacefully.


The first step in correcting your pet’s behavior is acknowledging a root cause. Furthermore, we can consider any external factors that could be responsible. We also need to have a veterinarian examine your pet for health issues; illness or injury can play a part in unusual or unruly behaviors. Treating their physical condition may solve the problem. If your pet’s health is normal, we may proceed with behavioral modification therapy.

Clients will be asked to fill out a questionnaire before their appointment. We will also recommend follow-up visits to ensure that your pet is making progress. Occasionally, we may need to supplement behavioral modification therapy with medication, which we will discuss with you as well. Are your pet’s behaviors making them difficult to live with? Contact Marion Veterinary Hospital. You are not alone, and we are always here to help.

person scheduling their microchipping in ocala
Beige Blob

Request an Appointment:

To optimize our efficiency and reduce client waiting times, we prefer to operate primarily by appointments. Drop-off appointments may be requested by the pet owner to maximize his/her time or suggested by our staff if all appointments are filled for the day and the pet owner is wanting his animal evaluated or treated the same day.

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